Sunday 11 January 2015


More than 250 years later, blindness is still one of the most debilitating sensory impairments, affecting close to 40 million people worldwide. Many of these patients can be efficiently treated with surgery or medication, but some pathologies cannot be corrected with existing treatments. 

In particular, when light-receiving photoreceptor cells degenerate, as is the case in retinitis pigmentosa, or when the optic nerve is damaged as a result of glaucoma or head trauma, no surgery or medicine can restore the lost vision. 

In such cases, a visual prosthesis may be the only option. Similar to cochlear implants, which stimulate auditory nerve fibers downstream of damaged sensory hair cells to restore hearing, visual prostheses aim to provide patients with visual information by stimulating neurons in the retina, in the optic nerve, or in the brain’s visual areas.

Bionic eye


In a healthy retina, photoreceptor cells—the rods and cones—convert light into electrical and chemical signals that propagate through the network of retinal neurons down to the ganglion cells, whose axons form the optic nerve and transmit the visual signal to the brain.

 Prosthetic devices work at different levels downstream from the initial reception and biochemical conversion of incoming light photons by the pigments of photoreceptor rods and cones at the back of the retina.

 Implants can stimulate the bipolar cells directly downstream of the photoreceptors, for example, or the ganglion cells that form the optic nerve. Alternatively, for pathologies such as glaucoma or head trauma that compromise the optic nerve’s ability to link the retina to the visual centers of the brain, prostheses have been designed to stimulate the visual system at the level of the brain itself. 

  • The bionic eye system will consist of a small digital camera, external processor and a implant with a microchip and stimulating electrodes surgically placed in the back of the eye.
  • A bionic eye mimics the function of the retina to restore sight for those with severe vision loss. It uses a retinal implant connected to a video camera to convert images into electrical impulses that activate remaining retinal cells which then carry the signal back to the brain.

  • digital camera that's built into a pair of glasses. It captures images in real time and sends images to a microchip.
  • video-processing microchip that's built into a handheld unit. It processes images into electrical pulses representing patterns of light and dark and sends the pulses to a radio transmitter in the glasses.
  • radio transmitter that wirelessly transmits pulses to a receiver implanted above the ear or under the eye
  • radio receiver that sends pulses to the retinal implant by a hair-thin implanted wire
  • retinal implant with an array of 60 electrodes on a chip measuring 1 mm by 1 mm

Parts of bionic eye

Tuesday 22 April 2014

Electric Bike


      With concerns about climate change and global warming growing every day, inventors and innovators across the globe are searching for ways to cut down on the harmful emissions that our traditional modes of transportation release into the atmosphere — we've seen electric scooters that you can plug into wall outlets, electric cars that can take to the streets and much more besides. The Johammer J1 electric motorcycle is another vehicle that's doing its bit for the environment, providing an innovative energy solution in a stylish design that stands out on the road. Developed and built in Austria, it will be available to buy from Johammer in the near future
J1 electric bike

The J1 is unique in the way in which it's controlled as well as the way it's powered. The brushless AC-motor and single-level gear both run inside an oil bath, giving a lifetime of lubrication and ensuring that you don't have to get your hands dirty keeping the bike maintained between journeys. Even more interesting is the dashboard display — this is built into the rearview mirrors, two high-resolution 2.4-inch LCD displays that give you information about your speed, mileage, battery levels, indicator status and everything else you need to know about your vehicle (as well as what's coming up behind you, of course).

  •  Cruising around on the J1 is an emissions-free experience, which has multiple benefits — not only are you saved the smell of petrol, you're also saved the noise that comes rattling out of a standard motorbike's engine. If you've ever wanted to sail down the road and enjoy the sound of the birds in the trees or the splashing of a river then now's your opportunity. It adds an extra level of safety to the vehicle too, because you're more aware of what's around you. What's more, the J1 uses an electric engine brake that can claw back lost energy as you slow down.
  •   There are two J1 models available to buy: the cheapest model is the J1.150, which will set you back €23,000 (around £18,985 at today's exchange rate). It has a reach of 150km (93 miles), which is where it gets its name from. The bike has a battery capacity of 8.3 kWh and can be charged up to 80 percent of its capacity in the space of two-and-a-half hours. The total weight of the J1.150 is 159kg (350lb). Like the more expensive J1.200, the bike has a top speed of 75mph which is electrically limited by the systems on board


  •  If you've been paying attention then you'll have guessed that the J1.200 has a wider range of 200km (124 miles) on a single charge — it's the first electric motorcycle to go into production with a reach that big. The top speed and acceleration performance are the same as the J1.150 (30-62mph in eight seconds) but you do get a bigger 12.7 kWh battery that can be charged to 80 percent capacity in three-and-a-half hours. Weighing in at 178kg (390lb), the J1.200 version of the electric motorbike costs €25,000, which works out at about £20,636 at the time of writing.
  •  If you decide to make an investment, both models of bike are available in five colours: silver, white, blue, yellow and green. The vehicle's styling has been rather unfavourably compared to a slug on wheels, with its curved shell-like aluminium body and stalk-like rearview mirrors, but it's all a matter of personal taste. What's certain is that you'll attract plenty of attention when you pull up at the bike stop. According to Johammer, you should still have 85 percent of the battery capacity remaining after four years or 124,000 miles — the Austrian company develops and manufacturers the lithium-ion batteries itself.

 Steering and suspension are taken care of via a hub in the centre of the bike. This kind of layout is unusual and typically used on high-end boutique motorcycles, but it does have some practical advantages: it enables braking and suspension forces to be separated, for example. In this case it also allows the Johammer to have its unique look, as all of the essential technology and machinery is directly below the rider. While there are plenty of alternative electric bikes on the market for less money, none of them will get you as far and in such style as the Johammer

 There are two sets of foot pegs included with each vehicle, so you can choose from a standard riding position or a laid-back Harley-Davidson look instead. With a total length of 2.2m (7.2 feet) and a height of 1.3m (4.2 feet), Johammer is quoting a sitting position height of 65cm (25.5 inches). The mass centre height is even lower at 35cm (13.7 inches), making for a balanced and safe driving experience. 'In an holistic approach to radically rethink emobility the Johammer was designed to serve the user in any aspect,' says the manufacturer. 'A Johammer does not only look different, it is different.'
parts of J1 electric bike

With only 14 horsepower to play around with, you're not going to be able to set any speed records on either of the J1 bikes, but they're not vehicles that are going to interest speed freaks in the first place. Most recently, the Johammer was tested in the mountain passes of Tirol by six company employees, including founder Johann Hammerschmid. The bike held its own when cutting through ice and snow in freezing temperatures, but we wouldn't recommend going too far off road. The Johammer motorbikes were also recently shown off at the Linz Motorcycle Show in Austria, their first official public appearance.
 The aluminium middle-frame of the bike has been designed to be as robust and resilient as possible, with its internal components creating what Johammer describes as a 'perfect synergy' of weight, stability and function. The central hub layout was chosen as it offers the straightest line between the two axes and therefore provides the most efficient use of energy while the vehicle is on the move. The front and rear suspension systems use horizontally mounted shocks, which should ensure a smooth and bump-free ride while you're making the most of that 124-mile range (a decent fuel range even for a petrol-powered bike).
 The electric gear and associated controls are housed alongside the back wheel, as you can see in the picture above. Again, this is designed to be maintenance-free and long-lasting, but if you have a smash then you can expect the replacement parts to cost a pretty penny. The system is cooled as you drive through the open landscape or city streets, so you don't have to worry about your expensive new Johammer overheating on a journey. While prices have been announced for the J1.150 and J1.200, they aren't yet being sold — you'll have to contact Johammer directly to get a pre-order in.

innovative design of J1 electric bike

 In June, the Johammer bikes are arriving in Atlanta GA, USA as part of an innovation exhibition at the Woodruff Arts Centre. The electric bike has also recently featured on Channel 5's The Gadget Show — presenter Jason Bradbury tested the J1.200 on the twisting roads of Salzburg and came away impressed with both its form and functionality. 'This bike is heralding a brave new world of eco-friendly transport,' said Bradbury. 'There's a real finesse about this.' Johann Hammerschmid and his nine-man team will be hoping that the advance publicity does enough to guarantee a steady stream of orders when the time comes.

 The key to the Johammer's long range is the large battery bay in the centre of the bike — because it can fit in several banks of the company's customised batteries, it can reach much further than the average electric motorbike. The regenerative braking we mentioned earlier is also crucial to the overall functionality: with a twist of the wrist on the throttle you can use your braking actions and the turn of the wheels to recharge the bike's batteries (while you cruise down a long and gentle slope perhaps). Here you can see the spring damper that sits underneath the battery section

 So there you have the Johammer — a state-of-the-art electric motorcycle with an innovative, functional design and an unbeatable range. The company hasn't said when riders will be able to get their J1.150 or J1.200 bikes delivered, but with test runs completed and prices and specs listed on the company website it shouldn't be too far into the future. As the technology inside these sorts of bikes and cars improves, the speed at which they run and the distance they can travel will continue to improve, reducing our reliance on traditional modes of transport and the fuel that powers them.

The compact design of J1 electric bike is going to be revealed to the market with absolute trend to the technology.

Sunday 15 December 2013


        Carmakers are developing vehicles that have an increasing ability to autonomously drive themselves, potentially reducing accidents and traffic congestion.

A silver BMW 5 Series is weaving through traffic at roughly 120 kilometers per hour (75 mph) on a freeway that cuts northeast through Bavaria between Munich and Ingolstadt. I’m in the driver’s seat, watching cars and trucks pass by, but I haven’t touched the steering wheel, the brake, or the gas pedal for at least 10 minutes. The BMW approaches a truck that is moving slowly. To maintain our speed, the car activates its turn signal and begins steering to the left, toward the passing lane. Just as it does, another car swerves into the passing lane from several cars behind. The BMW quickly switches off its signal and pulls back to the center of the lane, waiting for the speeding car to pass before trying again.

      Putting your life in the hands of a robot chauffeur offers an unnerving glimpse into how driving is about to be upended. The automobile, which has followed a path of steady but slow technological evolution for the past 130 years, is on course to change dramatically in the next few years, in ways that could have radical economic, environmental, and social impacts.
The first autonomous systems, which are able to control steering, braking, and accelerating, are already starting to appear in cars; these systems require drivers to keep an eye on the road and hands on the wheel.

But the next generation, such as BMW’s self-driving prototype, could be available in less than a decade and free drivers to work, text, or just relax. Ford, GM, Toyota, Nissan, Volvo, and Audi have all shown off cars that can drive themselves, and they have all declared that within a decade they plan to sell some form of advanced automation—cars able to take over driving on highways or to park themselves in a garage. Google, meanwhile, is investing millions in autonomous driving software, and its driverless cars have become a familiar sight on the highways around Silicon Valley over the last several years.

The allure of automation for car companies is huge. In a fiercely competitive market, in which the makers of luxury cars race to indulge customers with the latest technology.
Thanks to autonomous driving, the road ahead seems likely to have fewer traffic accidents and less congestion and pollution. Data published last year by the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety, a U.S. nonprofit funded by the auto industry, suggests that partly autonomous features are already helping to reduce crashes. Its figures, collected from U.S. auto insurers, show that cars with forward collision warning systems, which either warn the driver about an impending crash or apply the brakes automatically, are involved in far fewer crashes than cars without them.

More comprehensive autonomy could reduce traffic accidents further still. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration estimates that more than 90 percent of road crashes involve human error, a figure that has led some experts to predict that autonomous driving will reduce the number of accidents on the road by a similar percentage. Assuming the technology becomes ubiquitous and does have such an effect, the benefits to society will be huge. Almost 33,000 people die on the roads in the United States each year, at a cost of $300 billion, according to the American Automobile Association. The World Health Organization estimates that worldwide over 1.2 million people die on roads every year.
Meanwhile, demonstrations conducted at the University of California, Riverside, in 1997 and experiments involving modified road vehicles conducted by Volvo and others in 2011 suggest that having vehicles travel in high-speed automated “platoons,” thereby reducing aerodynamic drag, could lower fuel consumption by 20 percent. And an engineering study published last year concluded that automation could theoretically allow nearly four times as many cars to travel on a given stretch of highway. That could save some of the 5.5 billion hours and 2.9 billion gallons of fuel that the Texas Transportation Institute says are wasted by traffic congestion each year.
If all else fails, there is a big red button on the dashboard that cuts power to all the car’s computers. I practiced hitting it a few times.
But such projections tend to overlook just how challenging it will be to make a driverless car. If autonomous driving is to change transportation dramatically, it needs to be both widespread and flawless. Turning such a complex technology into a commercial product is unlikely to be simple. It could take decades for the technology to come down in cost, and it might take even longer for it to work safely enough that we trust fully automated vehicles to drive us around.

Wednesday 31 July 2013


4k is the new big thing in display tech, and it's coming to a big screen living room TV near you.
Today's 1920 x 1080 resolution Full HD TVs present us with an image of around 2 megapixels, but this new generation of screens delivers an 8 megapixel image from hi-res cameras.
With new Ultra HD 4K TVs arriving this year from the big TV brands, it will soon become a format for both broadcast TV and Blu-ray.
What is 4K?
Technically speaking, 4K denotes a very specific display resolution of 4096 x 2160. This is the resolution of all 4K recordings, though many people use 4K to refer to any display resolution that has roughly 4000 horizontal pixels.
Ultra HD TVs have a resolution slightly lower than that - 3840 x 2160. That's exactly four times higher than the full HD resolution of 1920 x 1080.
Many current movie cameras already film above 4K resolutions, for example the RED Epic which can film at a 5K resolution of 5120 x 2700 and the Sony F65 which films at 8192 x 4320 (8K).

How big is an Ultra HD TV?
So far it's been monster Ultra HD TVs all the way, with Sony's 84-inch 84X9005 and LG's 84-inch 84LM960V leading the way alongside the now-a-bit-old Toshiba 55ZL2, a 55-inch TV whose real claim is glasses-free 3D TV (though there's more where that came from, this time from Philips).
However, this summer Sony is launching 55-inch and 65-inch models in the form of the Sony KD-55X9000A and the Sony KD-65X9000A. Previous 84-inch models cost upwards of £20,000 ($30,000) but the 55-inch Sony will start at $5,000 in the US and £4,000 in the UK.
More models are coming from the likes of Samsung, LG and Panasonic and will likely launch at IFA at the end of August.


A fascinating one to hear right!
We need a pc to take print out for our convenience.But yep!here is a different tool to take a print from ur android mobiles or iphone such as by using a wireless network..
Just download an application in ur mobile..itz enough to take print out..but the system is needed (just to click the app and take printout for the particular page which u surfed through your mobile).
Lets see deeply
I haven't used a printer in my home for the past decade, thanks mostly to my reliance on digital smartphone and tablet screens, along with limited living space. Though paper printouts are far less valuable than they once were, there are still moments when I like to have something printed, like a backup copy of an airline reservation or a map with directions.

Monday 8 July 2013


How AT&T Can Translate Your Speech in Real Time

AT&T Translator, a service on the company's teleconference system that translates speech between languages in real time, is currently in pilot testing by some of the company's biggest business customers. PopMech caught up with Mazin Gilbert, assistant vice president for technical research at AT&T Labs–Research, to learn about the challenges of teaching machines to understand human speech.

Machine-based language translation has been a longtime dream of science-fiction authors. C-3PO, after all, was fluent in more than 6 million forms of communication. What inspired your researchers to develop AT&T Translator? 
Language is one of the largest barriers to communication globally. In the 1980s, we produced a short film of what communications would be like in the future. We had a vision that at some point in our lifetime there would be some intelligence in the network where you could pick up the phone and talk to anyone in the world regardless of the language you spoke. 
How did you turn that vision into a reality? 
The technology is a product of more than two decades of research at AT&T in speech recognition, speech synthesis, and natural language processing. There's nothing like this in the world of enabling multiparties to converse in real time across languages. It requires tremendous expertise in linguistics, machine learning, speech, and signal processing that we have at AT&T. 

We demonstrated the first prototype of English-to-Spanish translation in the lab in 1988 (and continued to research and refine the technology). But given that we're a communications company, it fits into our business nicely and that's why we're focused on pushing it out to the market.
What is the user experience like? 
You call into a conferencing service. Your user and audience (can be any place in the world). You set your preference for native language (or languages), [and] what you hear or read is that speaker in your native language. You can speak in your language and they will receive it in their native language too. It's really very transparent. 
Which languages does the translating system currently understand? 
English, French, Italian, German, Spanish . . . and Chinese, Japanese [and] Korean, all from speech in and out, [and] 12 other languages from text which we will roll out to speech over time. 

Saturday 13 April 2013



New technology innovates and bring out different gestures and make them to be possible in the future!

The Leap Motion hacks just keep coming. The motion-controlled gadget still hasn't hit our shelves, but eager engineers are already hooking their  up to all the electronics they own.

Electrical engineer Bryan Brown has created a hack that lets you control a model boat just a like a child flying an imaginary airplane with their hand - lean your hand left and the boat turns left, right and it turns right. Tip your fingers up for the boat to stop and spin around, then accelerate it forward again by slanting your hand down.

Brown and his non-profit organisation Human-Machine Technologies envision a world of technology that we control and interact in human-friendly ways - mainly speech and gesture.
 He is working on a layer of software called NuiLogix which aims to facilitate gestural interactions with any piece of hardware, by allowing it to be linked with a range of input devices like the Leap and Microsoft's Kinect.
Gesture control could be useful in hospitals, Brown suggests, where doctors and surgeons could control devices without having to physically touch them, avoiding contaminating their hands. As well as the model boat hack, Brown has also created a Leap hack that controls a robot hand.

"Soon most of the devices that people interact with will be using this kind of technology," says Brown. "There's very little physical contact with other people in the average person's day - communication is done through gestures and speech for communication. That's a very natural approach that will find its way into controlling devices."